sábado, 21 de junho de 2014

Cursos de Confeitaria

Estamos com turmas regulares de cursos, inclusive reciclagem para profissionais, com novas receitas.
Consultem-nos por email anacristina.veloso@bol.com.br

3 comentários:

  1. Hi Ana-
    We've tried sending you a few emails and they keep getting sent back to us, so we're going to try sending from here instead. Can you please let us know that you received this? We tracked your package (see link below) when you first emailed us and it was out for delivery on Aug 11th. Not sure why it took almost a month to sort in Brazil, that's weird. I would check with your local post office because it looks like they tried to deliver it a couple times. Let us know what you find out.

  2. Hi Ana-
    Forgot to tell you, maybe the best way to communicate with us is on our facebook page by sending us a personal message. You can find us here: https://www.facebook.com/GateauxIncCakes?ref=hl

  3. Olá,
    Teriam alguma programação para outubro!? E o tema de Natal!?
